Website Privacy Policy Template

reasons to use a website privacy policy template

All Australian websites need a Privacy Policy – use our website Privacy Policy template!

Privacy legislation now requires ALL Australian websites to post a Privacy Policy statement if they collect any customer or website visitor information:

So even if you have a basic Contact Form on your website you MUST have a Privacy Policy.

Covers Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

Australia’s Privacy regulations are some of the most stringent in the world and so if you meet them you will satisfy other jurisdictions too. The Legal123 template may be used for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. So you can use the template for “”, “”, “.ca”, “.hk” and “.sg” websites.

If you collect UK and EU email addresses and need to comply with GDPR, we offer additional GDPR Privacy Policy Clauses.

the legal123 website privacy policy template covers australia, new zealand and canada

the online form is quick and easy

One quick and easy online form

Just input your website name and contact details into the website Privacy Policy template and your Australian Privacy Policy notice is automatically generated. Copy and paste the text into your website editor (or email it to your website designer) and you’re done. You can literally be finished in less than 5 minutes!

Free updates so you don’t worry about legislation changes

Australian Consumer and Privacy law is constantly changing, particularly with regard to the Internet and online businesses. We’re Australian lawyers and we make it our business to keep on top of these changes. We don’t overwhelm you with emails, but when the law changes and the template is updated we let you know, so you never have to worry.

free updates are included when legislation changes

includes online video instructions and telephone support

Online video instructions and telephone support

There’s a short online video with instructions – but the website Privacy Policy template is so easy you probably won’t need it. Plus the video covers 3 FAQs about website Privacy Policies. And you can always call us if you have any questions.

Is the website Privacy Policy template right for me?

I just run a blog …
If you have a contact form on your blog you’re asking for an email address. This is considered private information and you need a Privacy Policy notifying visitors how you use this information.

I have a fitness website …
If you’re asking people their age, sex, fitness level, medical history, etc. you’re collecting personal information and you need to post a Privacy Policy on your website.

I collect personal/health information …
Then you need a Privacy Policy on your website. This states what information you collect and how you keep it safe. It’s required by Australian Privacy law.

I sell products through my website …
Then you need Website Terms & Conditions. These state your business service standards and are required by Australian Consumer law.

The website Privacy Policy template includes

We offer a full money back guarantee if our templates are not suitable for your circumstances or a technical difficulty prevents you from using them. If you have questions about buying online, check out How it Works and FAQs.

Website Privacy Policy Template

Website Legal Package

Want to cover all legal bases for your website? The Website Legal Package is our most popular template bundle: Privacy Policy + Website Disclaimer + Terms & Conditions, customisable for thirteen types of online businesses. Click the button below to purchase: