Equipment Room

Students can book the following classrooms from the Equipment room: LH315, LH121 & LH 215A (Sound Room). They need to check in with their professors to find out availability.

Only students eligible for equipment checkout may reserve the rooms for class assignments.

LH 215A (Sound Room) - Same hours as Equipment Room - UNAVAILABLE DURING SUMMER
Check with Equipment Room for availability

Film Equipment Room Reservation and Appointment Procedures:

1. Fill out and email the Portland State Equipment Policy and Procedures, and PSU
Property Loan Agreement forms, prior to checking-out equipment.
(Available on Canvas)

2. Proceed to Cheqroom and reserve the equipment needed for your assignment.
• Enter the dates you wish to pick up/drop off.

3. Equipment can only be checked out for up to 2 days.


• You will not be able to check-out equipment without reserving on Cheqroom.

• Do not reserve equipment more than two-weeks ahead of check out date. It will
be cancelled.

Forms and Equipment Check-Out Procedures

A camera on a desk

Student worker shelving camera in equipment room

Holding camera with glove

Portland State University
School of Film /School of Art and Design
Equipment Policies & Procedures

The function of the equipment office is to reserve, loan out and collect equipment. The equipment office is not an instructional facility. Equipment office personnel do not provide equipment operation instruction.


The A+D Equipment Office is located in PP31 and the Film Equipment Office is located in LH123. All equipment must be checked out from and returned to its appropriate office.


The office is open specific, limited hours, posted outside the office. These hours are subject to change from term to term, so be sure to check the hours at the beginning of each term.


Borrowing equipment is a student resource, not a right. Students who abuse their borrowing privileges or violate the policies outlined here may lose access to the facility.

1. Equipment is loaned only to students currently enrolled in designated courses (Film Production, Specified A+D TIME Courses and A+D CORE) Equipment is only to be operated by students in the course, and is only to be used on work for that course. Equipment may not be used on any student’s personal projects.

2. Hours of operation are strict. The Equipment Office will not be open outside the posted hours, and any requests to open the office outside the posted hours will be denied.

3. It is the borrowers responsibility to see that the equipment and its accessories are provided and in working order before signing the checkout invoice. It is the borrowers responsibility to report to the Equipment Office staff any missing parts, visible damage, broken cables and operating problems at the time of checkout. Any discrepancies must be noted on the invoice before equipment is checked out.

4. You must be present during your checkout and it is strongly recommended that you be available during your check-in. In the event of third-party returns, the students who checked the equipment out, and signed the checkout form, will be held financially responsible for the equipment regardless of who returns it.

5. The borrower assumes responsibility for the safe transport, use and storage of the equipment from the time it is checked out until it is checked in. If equipment is broken or missing upon return, the borrower is responsible for repair or replacement cost. The school strongly advises against storing equipment in a vehicle. If you must store equipment in a vehicle, you should lock it out of sight in the trunk. Theft of or damage to the equipment, for any reason, is the financial responsibility of the student who checked the equipment out.

6. Late fees are $20 per hour. Next day returns are fined $50, an amount that will continue to compound daily until equipment is returned.

7. Partial returns are fined $25. See #8 for information on the completion of partial returns.

8) If the borrower is missing equipment, he/she will be given 48 hours to locate all missing parts. After 48 hours, he/she will be billed for the full replacement cost of the missing items. Full payment is due within 7 days before equipment is deemed permanently missing. Equipment loan privileges will be suspended until payment is received. If payment is not made, a hold may be placed on the student’s university record and his/her account may be placed with a collection agency. Refunds for payments for lost or missing parts cannot be given once the student’s check has been cashed, even if the item is subsequently found. Note that the student will be charged the daily late fee of $50/day (See #6 above) for the days the equipment is missing.

9) In the case of damaged equipment, staff technicians will determine if the damage is a result of normal wear and tear. If they believe it is not, they will determine if the item can be repaired. There is a minimum $25.00 charge. Their decision is final. The borrower will be responsible for the full cost of the repair, or the full cost of replacement if the item cannot be repaired. Equipment loan privileges are suspended until payment is received. If payment is not made, a hold may be placed on the student’s university record and his/her account may be placed with a collection agency.

10) In the event that the student owes money to the Equipment Office (See #6-#10 above), he/she may pay by going to the website and selecting either “Late Fee” or “Unreturned “or “Damaged Equipment” (whichever is appropriate) Payments are accepted via credit/debit card. Please print out a copy of your receipt for your records.

11) Failure to pay any fines levied by the Equipment Office by the end of the term in which the fines were incurred may result in a grade of incomplete in the course. The grade may default to a failing grade if the fine is not paid within one year of the end of the term.

12) Equipment can only be checked out during the defined checkout periods, and checked in during the defined check-in periods, unless other arrangements are made with the Equipment Office Staff.

13) Students may reserve equipment up to two weeks prior to their shoot dates after which they must wait 72 hours before the creation of their next reservation.

14) Students must provide a pick up time for the day their reservation is made. Failure to pick up equipment within a half hour of this time will be subject to a $25.00 fine. Additionally failure to cancel a reservation at least 24 hours in advance will result in a $25.00 fine.

15) No student may take out equipment longer than a single checkout period at a time. There is no checking out of equipment for a full week or a full term.

16) Under no circumstances can an Art student take out any Film equipment, nor can a Film student access any Art equipment.

17) Students cannot ‘renew’ equipment. If a student returns equipment, he/she must wait 24 hours to check out the same equipment again.

18) The equipment office staff reserves the right to deny any student equipment, even if the student if the equipment is reserved, if they believe for any reason that the checking out of the gear will endanger the equipment of the safety of the student.

19) Any violation of the policies of the equipment office may result in the suspension of a students equipment loan privileges for the duration of the term or permanent suspension of the student’s privileges. Sign below to acknowledge your full understanding and acceptance of all information outlined in this document.